Using Cloudflare on your website could be blocking RSS users

Image of Cloudflare logo of what looks like a sun setting on a horizon with the words Cloudflare underneath in a super bold, dark gray font

Many users prefer to use an RSS feed reader to stay up to date with the content on the websites they visit. But if you've enabled Cloudflare on your website, you're likely blocking these RSS users from accessing your website content without realizing it.

The Cloudflare features that block RSS readers

In Cloudflare's dashboard, you'll find tools designed to block bot traffic to your website. Particularly, the Bot Fight Mode and block all "AI scrapers and crawlers" options below. When enabled, these features end up blocking users who access your website through RSS readers, even though RSS readers are legitimate and aren't malicious bots.

An image of the Bot Fight Mode and AI Scrapers and Crawlers configuration toggles on Cloudflare's Security dashboard
A screenshot of Cloudflare's Bot Fight Mode and block all "AI scrapers and crawlers" features that block RSS readers from accessing a website

How Cloudflare blocks RSS readers from your website

When enabling the tools, Cloudflare will evaluate each visit to your website and determine whether the visit is from an AI scraper or "bot" based on a score , which ironically Cloudflare uses AI to generate.

Image of an RSS reader blocked by Cloudflare

Then, when a user's RSS reader attempts to read your website, Cloudflare presents it with a number of challenges that the reader would never be able to fulfill.

Here's an example of the Human Verification challenge that an RSS reader would be shown when it tries to visit your website. The challenge requires a human to solve and, because an RSS reader is not a human, it can never complete them.

A screenshot of Cloudflare-enabled website presenting a human verification screen

In other cases, Cloudflare will simply block the RSS reader from accessing your website without a reason.

A screenshot of Cloudflare-enabled website presenting a human verification screen

The only way to resolve when Cloudflare blocks an RSS reader from accessing your website is by contacting you directly and asking you to make a custom rule to unblock it. But Cloudflare shouldn't expect people to contact every owner of every Cloudflare website that blocks their RSS reader. And you shouldn't have to waste time logging into Cloudflare to add an exception every time they block an RSS reader, either.

Unblock RSS readers while still using Cloudflare

Even though Cloudflare blocks RSS readers from your website, you can whitelist RSS readers as a workaround. This would at least unblock RSS readers without having to turn off any security features that you may have already been enabled until Cloudflare better addresses the issue.

First, find the user agent of any blocked RSS reader in Cloudflare's analytics dashboard. The User-Agent of most good RSS readers usually include the name of the reader, it's URL, or a word like "RSS" or "feed" that makes it obvious that it's an RSS reader.

Once you've identified an RSS reader's user agent, you can create a custom rule that explicitly whitelists and allows all traffic by the reader's IP address or by it's user agent string. Note that user agents can be disguised, so it's often better to whitelist the reader's IP address instead of the user agent. If you'd like to whitelist Open RSS, please contact us for the required information.

Cloudflare needs a better way to allow RSS readers

Cloudflare offers a bot verification program to which RSS readers owners can manually apply to avoid being blocked by websites, but this program isn't guaranteed to work and it suffers from quite a few problems.

To be clear, there's nothing wrong with using Cloudflare's security tools on your website to help deal with malicious AI bots, scrapers, and potential attacks. But Cloudflare needs to ensure that people who use RSS tools aren't blocked from accessing your website content, and make it easier to resolve when they are.

Open RSS is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit headquartered in the District of Columbia, USA and funded only by voluntary donations of its users. If you enjoy using Open RSS, we'd be so grateful if you'd consider donating to help us grow and continue to provide you with a quality and reliable service.